? How to place an order for flower delivery in Chernivtsi?
Ordering is very easy. Choose a bouquet on our website, add it to the cart, enter the necessary data for delivery and payment, and our florists will immediately start working on your order.
? Is it possible to order delivery of flowers at a specific time?
Yes, you can specify the desired delivery time during checkout. We will do our best to deliver your bouquet within the time frame you specified.
? What payment methods do you accept?
We accept various payment methods including credit/debit cards, e-wallets and bank transfers. Details on payment methods are available at checkout.
? Is there a guarantee of flower quality?
Yes, we guarantee the freshness and high quality of each bouquet. If you find any problems with the delivered flowers, please contact us within 24 hours and we will solve your problems.
? Do you deliver flowers outside Chernivtsi?
Yes, we deliver not only within Chernivtsi, but also throughout the region and even beyond. The cost and terms of delivery may vary depending on the distance.
? Can I add additional gifts to the bouquet?
Of course! We offer a wide range of additional gifts such as candies, soft toys, cards and other pleasant additions. You can choose them when placing an order.